• Oil on board 25cm x 20cm In slip frame ready to hang Spinning out to the beach – straight from the studio – is one of my greatest pleasures. In under an hour I can be in the sea – it is nothing short of glorious. And there are two pristine beaches to choose from. This painting is a throwback to a lovely evening on the beach earlier this Summer and a lovely reminder of that sunny state of mind – regardless of the weather.    
  • Island Home

    Oil on board 25cm x 20cm In slip frame ready to hang Over the years, I have always felt comfortable living on islands – which is no surprise given our Island home. Reading Tim Winton’s book of the same title brought home (ha!) to me the pure and tender qualities of island life. It frames our life and gives it context (on same and for context Winton’s Island home is Australia!) Most recently, I found myself on small islands in the middle of Lough Mask while fishing with my Dad. At ‘lunchtime’ we moor at one of the small islands  -  the sounds of the shore lapping, bird life, oars on water, reels spinning and yarns being spun by fishermen is a lovely backdrop to memories of that place and time. It is a place I feel very inspired by and at home.      
  • Oil on board 30cm x 25cm In slip frame ready to hang Inspired by my recent solstice swim, It was the most beautiful evening on Garretstown strand. The sun cast the most glorious, long shadow but there were very few folks on the beach and scarcely anyone in the sea. Having the sea to myself was intensely pleasurable. Invigorating, it felt like washing off a season – I thought of Van Morrison’s ‘To be Born again’ – and understood the immersion to be a special baptism of sorts. I slept so well that night – dreaming I was cocooned in the arc of a wave.           
  • Oil on board 30cm x 25cm In slip frame ready to hang      
  • Oil on canvas 40cm x 40cm In slip frame ready to hang I'm recently returned from a fishing trip with my Dad and our lovely friend John on Lough Mask. While I feel very at home in Partry – the very special village (populated by extra special people) where my Dad has visited annually for fishing for over 50 years. There is something about the stillness and perpetual motion of being in the boat, on the lake – a particular sensation of time and space that can only be explained as my home on the lake.     
  • After Nephin

    Oil on canvas 46cm x 36cm In slip frame ready to hang Memory plays a huge part in my work. Recalling time and place sensations in all its subjectivity is very much part of the push-pull and play of reconstructing memories. After Nephin was painted following my recent fishing trip with my Dad – it was a glorious time in a wonderful place. Unforgettable really. Yet when I come to paint it – I think mostly of sensations.  Weather rolling in, the boat setting off from the shore and rolling out across the lapping lake. The mountains are there -  and the moody sky  and water - but I think what I am trying to capture is that  precious time which feels like water in our hands.      
  • Oil on canvas 40cm x 40cm In slip frame ready to hang It seems a long time ago now, but there was a period when I lived overseas for 15 years. I feel so entrenched in Ireland now – like on a molecular level – I can scarcely fathom all that time apart. Kerry was absolutely fundamental in re-enchanting my connection with home. Feeling utterly ‘at home’ in Ireland has been possibly my greatest delight in life and stems from time spent in Kerry when I first returned. My first residencies were at Cill Rialaig in Ciarraí – I spent much of my first years back in Ireland painting there. It has underpinned my work as an artist and provided a spectacular canvas upon which my life and love of this land has unfolded. I have felt utterly guided every step of the way – there is MASSIVE magic there – a particular kind of Kerry Kismet.     
  • Oil on canvas 50cm x 40cm In slip frame ready to hang There is a softness to this painting that belies its layers. Oftentimes those paintings that seem most resolved, take the longest to make. It is not unlike life. I find, as most people do – when I am a bit stirred up or bothered by something a walk on the beach is the cure. The expanse of space, salt between my toes, the spray of salt water on my feet and the rhythmic breath of the tide puts whatever is bothering me into proportion. It's as if a type of tidal tenderness puts a balm on my tender places.    
  • The Fertile Void

    Oil on canvas 60cm x 60cm In slip frame ready to hangI had the most enchanting conversation with someone recently about the strength of stillness and the power of darkness. In long Summer days, darkness (metaphorical and physical) feels less compelling, but my friend spoke of how germination requires  darkness in order to cast deep roots  into firm soil. The silent shoreline of this painting seemed to me a place to pause and enjoy the inherent (restorative) stillness we all have capacity for – when we shelve all the shizzle. I love to think there is a fertile void in all of us.    
  • Oil on canvas 56cm x 51cm In slip frame ready to hang My mind gets a bit blown when I think about how the opposite end of the shoreline I am standing in, is washing someone else’s feet on the other side of the world. It is entirely mind-blowing but also enormously reassuring – as if to affirm that everything that lives is connected. The cyclical nature of tides, sun rise – sun set, seasons and the rhythms of our own biology all pre-date time itself and point to an innate knowingness and our  ability to be harmonious – in sync – or at the very least community minded!.    
  • Oil on canvas 90cm x 60cm In slip frame ready to hang I’m honestly not sure if this is a sun-rise or sunset  - and surely one becomes another on this magical orb of ours. I took the title from ‘Sail On’ the gorgeous song by Interference. I listened to it a lot recently around the time of Maurice Desmond’s death. Maurice was a wonderful Cork painter, a true contemporary landscape painter. He was one of the first artists I met when I came to Cork. He was entirely himself and always lovely, kind and encouraging to me. His legacy is long, his work speaks for itself. I think he might live forever. I will never forget him    
  • On The Way Home

    Oil on canvas 90cm x 60cm In slip frame ready to hang I’m not good at remembering road no’s or indeed mountains names so I fondly refer to the mountains midway between my parents home and mine as  – The In-betweeners!    This painting was completed on a Monday morning following a lovely weekend at my folks. I had been a little ‘stuck’ with the painting but when driving home, across the country from my parents’  house the evening before, the answer was literally staring me in the face. A golden orb, the most glorious sunset guided me home.  It’s more literal than my usual work but I liked it, so I’ve left it!    
  • Lands Edge

    Oil on canvas 140cm x 74cm In slip frame ready to hang This painting typifies much of the push and pull at play in my work and could equally be called ‘Holding On & Letting Go’. It was painted over the course of a year in many layers – this painting and I had something of a long loose dance before we capitulated towards each other.  Lands Edge is to my mind about standing your ground – staying within the magic limitlessness of imagination – and not getting sucked into the nonsensical void.  Out beyond the churning chaos there is magic. You don’t always have to see it – but you must always believe in it, for as Roald Dahl said ‘only those who believe in magic will find it’.      
  • Begin To Hope

    Oil on canvas 180cm x 120cm In slip frame ready to hang These larger paintings have been stirring inside me for the past few years. It has been a pleasure to see them finally come to fruition in the studio. I am forever saying my work is ‘holding on and letting go’ . There may be more robust, verbose words for my process but the practice of turning up, letting go of all my notions and hang ups and holding on for inspiration, flow and the good stuff (that feels to my mind like fire)  is essentially how I find and harness inspiration. Begin to Hope feels like a line I am making by walking, beyond the fertile void, it is of itself spilling out into the world at large        
  • 'Wonderland'

    Oil On Canvas: 160cm x 160cm In Slip Frame Ready To Hang To be full of future – dreams, plans, schemes and such – is a lovely, latent kind of energy. That’s how I felt when making this painting.  As a rookie artist I painted in a traditional context – working out in the landscape, making paintings in response to place. As my practice deepened, the response has become more intuitive. I’ve learned to trust myself and the work, and to understand (to paraphrase the late, great Mary Oliver) ‘My work is loving the world…, which is mostly standing still and learning to be astonished’.  Composition has taken on a more vital, vibrant quality – rather than thinking in terms of foreground, lines, proportions etc, making paintings now feels like composing music. It is beyond looking and seeing and involves a sort of deep cellular listening – to hear, but mostly feel the rhythm of nature.  My paintings are made with oils in many layers. Creating this big painting was a joy. Pregnant with possibility, it was in and of itself a wonderland. With every layer it seemed to unfold, evolve and reveal itself to me. Often painting feels like magic - a particular kind of alchemy. It fills me with wonder and a special energy – an illumination radiating from the inside out.
  • Nocturne



    Inspired by time fishing with my father on the Mayo Lakes, Nocturne is evocative of days ending and that very special light particular to the low sun on the lakes. I am a fair weather fisher but time on the lake with my Dad is nothing short of glorious. It is time out of time. Even though senses are accelerated with the cut and thrust of the boat traversing the waves, sideways rain and all the slip-slop sounds of water, reels and bird life – time feels somehow suspended. The experience is utterly elemental and yet really, very restful but stimulating.  Beyond the shoreline, out on that horizon there is a promise of magic and reward. Great days - time well spent – the best currency – before the waves roll us back to shore and home. Oil On Canvas: 150cm x 150cm In Slip Frame Ready To Hang  
  • Flume

    ‘Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working’ so said Picasso. I agree – turning up is everything, yet inspiration turns up in many places. Often the oddest of places. For me, Ideas often solidify when walking or in the shower, And always, always in music.  The title for this painting ‘Flume’ came to me organically. While I was painting, the world rolled around my mind – it seemed a hybrid somehow of Flow or Float and Moon. On inspection the definition was of ‘an artificial channel conveying water’ or ‘ a winding tubular water slide or chute at a swimming pool’. Both definitions gave ballast to the sensations of rolling water and a light, playfulness at the edge of a body of water. Beyond the shallows, I remembered the Peter Gabriel song ‘Flume’– it petered up from the recesses of memory.  The lyrics,  “I move in water, shore to shore, Nothing's more.  Only love is all maroon,  Lapping lakes like leary loons’ affirmed the sensations I am trying to capture – the feeling of being ‘all in’ when in water (or life, or love!). Being entirely in your body,  in your own nature but also weightless – feeling in flow, sort of floating. That particular pleasurable illumination - the lightness of being. Oil On Canvas: 125cm x 112cm In Slip Frame Ready To Hang  
  • Swansong

    My Dad Mick has fished the Mayo Lakes – Lough Mask & Lough Carra every May in tandem with the emergence of the May Fly. Some years more prolifically than others but it is always a place of joy for him. By proxy, genes or otherwise, his joy has become mine and I love to join him on these expeditions which then seep into my own work.  Before Covid we celebrated his 50th year fishing in his home from home, Partry – the lovely village nestled between both lakes. We had a hooley -  a wonderful celebration of time well spent amongst great lifelong friends.  Then nothing! The Covid pause put paid to that particular pleasure and we had to wait it out for years. My Dad had back surgery and was slower on his pins but his lovely essence and energy was buoyed by fast horses and slow golf.  It was glorious to finally return to Lough Mask. I doubted my Dad would be robust enough for long lake days. It was an illumination to see the vitality of place, people and nature infuse him. It energized him entirely. He was ginger-ish boarding the boat the first day but jumping off by the end of the week, exuberant!  Doing what you love really, truly is a lifeforce and nature is magic Oil On Canvas: 160cm x 160cm In Slip Frame Ready To Hang  
  • 'From Valentia' (Above us only Sky)

    I have, for many year, loved to paint on Bolus Head, so much so that I neglected Valentia island for far too long. A break away to Bray Head on a bracing day, or otherwise, is always worth the climb and was fine food for the stew of this painters pot. The view to the Skelligs is spectacular. It seems to me the weather sometimes falls away into the sea. As if it sort of changes its mind half way across from the mainland, somehow getting distracted on its way, the elements causing light to land in the sea. The colours changing in accordance with light and heat, filling the spectrum. From the viewing point it makes for a great stage show, mist, fog and clouds all in the mix of atmospheric textures giving a heavenly vibe. There is so much sky, God can’t be far away Oil On Canvas: 180cm x 120cm In Slip Frame Ready To Hang    
  • 'In West Clare' (We are Eternal)

    In my life, I have only toured through Clare twice – once on a teaching assignment at the wonderful Burren School of Art, it was high Spring and wild flowers were a wonder as was the Nivea blue sea. We were blessed with great weather and lovely dips after class. My second visit was during a terrifically stormy season (July!). Puttering around the County Clare coastline after an absence of many years was restorative in all the right ways. We were awash with elements. Incessant rain kept us grounded – but even so, the beauty of the place was undeniable. Sometimes in places like that, on days like that - the ones that take your breath away – I wonder at how I might have missed it – been rained off etc and never known its colour, shapes and texture in that season. The storm added starkness to the landscape, giving more grist to the black of the Burren and a cobalt green to the tide turning on a cliff. And so much frothy white in the sea. I can recall the colours of both excursions with ease. The scenes are still in my senses, I think those moments – the magic ones – are like tattoos on our minds. Eternal in that moment, as are we. Oil On Canvas: 100cm x 80cm In Slip Frame Ready To Hang
  • A Turn For Grace


    A Turn For Grace

    I read a headline many years ago titled ‘A stage for the performance of heaven’. The article* discussed how the Calder Valley had been poet Ted Hughes ‘tuning fork’.  I loved the notion of inspiration as a wide open plain. It seemed boundless, yet active.     I have the article pinned above my desk – it feels like a talisman, a reminder to stay in my lane, plough on and stretch out into infinite possibilities.    It seems the sea is both my ‘stage’ and ‘tuning fork’.  it is the place I draw inspiration and it is a deep well. Making this painting was long and challenging. Made in fifty-plus layers of heavy oils, it was my largest sea painting to date, and the process, while (comma) often filled with joy, was at times tumultuous.   Hughes referred to Scout Rock (the view from his childhood home) as ‘"my spiritual midwife at the time, and my godfather ever since".  It is the perfect summation of my relations with the sea – a place of possibility and renewal. I am guided by it. This painting being a case in point. When the going got tough, a little too challenging, a gap seemed to appear in a wave and guide me on to grace. Oil On Canvas: 152cm x 152cm In Slip Frame Ready To Hang
  • Your Threshold Box was created to share joy and blessings and to illuminate the possibility of life's thresholds. It brings together 10 artworks from Cora Murphy's Home Collection. Al paintings were made with love in Ireland. each one is a gift for you to enjoy, frame or send on with blessings of your own.   Taking inspiration from the sea, the sky and the mystery of life in between, Cora explores our connection with the natural world and our place in it. Her paintings are an intuitive response to the elemental, each artwork evoking a sense of belonging and home. Highly finished and presented with matching envelopes, each Gift Pack can be personalized with a note (please just let me know your preferred greeting in the ‘Order Notes’ section in the final stages of the checkout!). As with all my product, cards can be Shipped Worldwide. Thank you for your support! Contemporary Landscapes from Ireland Art Postcard Gift Box €25 - that's 10 cards for €20.00 (RRP €2.95 each). Postage & packaging: €3.95 in Ireland and €5.95 worldwide


  • Beannacht Box:  The Classic Collection

    10 Art Cards & Envelopes in a wonderful Gift Box. The Beannacht Box was created  to share joy and blessings. It brings together 10 artworks from Cora Murphy’s Classic Collection.  All paintings were made with love in Ireland. Each one is a gift for you to enjoy, frame or send on with blessings of your own. The Beannacht Box contains 10 Art Cards & Envelopes (blank for your own message). My paintings are an intuitive response to the elemental, each artwork evoking a sense of belonging and home. Each card is of the highest quality print and illustrates a contemporary landscape painting from my collected body of work. The story of the painting is on the reverse of each card. Beannacht Boxes are available to purchase in bundles (choose from drop-down options) and can be Shipped Worldwide. Postage & packaging: €3.95 in Ireland and €5.95 worldwide


  • NOTE: All sizes quoted are image size, please add 4.5cm to all sides for the white border (9cm addition to width and height). Example: 52cm x 52cm (image) 61cm x 61cm (paper size)
    All prints are made with pigment inks on PermaJet Portrait RAG 285gsm. All prints are titled, signed and numbered by Cora Both paper and pigment  are  the industry’s very highest standard Outstanding archival quality guaranteed to last a lifetime or (2!). Laboratory tests certify up to 200 years before any deterioration is noted Print has a smooth, matt surface texture. Note: Frame in image is for illustrative purposes and is not included
    Limited Edition Prints EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW! Please be assured my limited edition prints are of the highest standard. I have carried out extensive research to ensure consistent quality and authentic reproduction of my work. It was worth the effort – I am now 100% confident I am working with the best photographer and printer in the country – I am thrilled with the results! Having previously been a ‘print cynic’, I am astounded at the quality of these reproductions. Because they are printed on 100% cotton rag – they look and feel like originals! I wouldn’t have believed it until I saw it. PRINT SPECIFICATIONS: All prints are made with archival pigment on PermaJet Portrait RAG 285gsm. The Paper has a smooth, matt surface texture that guarantees archival standard (longevity 80 -200 years before any deterioration in noted). This is the industry’s highest standard and the results speak for themselves. Each print has a white inch border. SHIPPING: All prints are packed with great care before being dispatched in robust cardboard tubes. SHIPPING COSTS ARE: €15.00 in Ireland, €20.00 to the UK and €25.00 to anywhere else in the world. All prints are shipped unframed. When your print arrives you should take it directly to your framer and ask for it to be framed behind glass with or without a mount according to your preference. DISPATCH AND DELIVERY: Turnaround time for prints is 5-10 working days from receipt of your order. Once your artwork has been dispatched, you will receive an email with tracking information. CUSTOM PRINTS: If you have a specific print request, please send a message via the form on the Contact page. RETURNS AND REFUNDS: As with all my original paintings, I offer a 100% refund on all prints if you are not completely satisfied. Return shipping is the responsibility of the purchaser. When your print arrives you should take it directly to your framer and ask for it to be framed behind glass with or without a mount according to your preference.
  • Wonderland

    NOTE: All sizes quoted are image size, please add 4.5cm to all sides for the white border (9cm addition to width and height). Example: 52cm x 52cm (image) 61cm x 61cm (paper size)
    All prints are made with pigment inks on PermaJet Portrait RAG 285gsm. All prints are titled, signed and numbered by Cora Both paper and pigment  are  the industry’s very highest standard Outstanding archival quality guaranteed to last a lifetime or (2!). Laboratory tests certify up to 200 years before any deterioration is noted Medium, Large & X-Large – For M,L & XL add 10 cm’s  to width and height for paper size. For example 52cm X 52cm image size = 62cm X 62cm paper size. Note: Frame in image is for illustrative purposes and is not included
    Limited Edition Prints EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW! Please be assured my limited edition prints are of the highest standard. I have carried out extensive research to ensure consistent quality and authentic reproduction of my work. It was worth the effort – I am now 100% confident I am working with the best photographer and printer in the country – I am thrilled with the results! Having previously been a ‘print cynic’, I am astounded at the quality of these reproductions. Because they are printed on 100% cotton rag – they look and feel like originals! I wouldn’t have believed it until I saw it. PRINT SPECIFICATIONS: All prints are made with archival pigment on PermaJet Portrait RAG 285gsm. The Paper has a smooth, matt surface texture that guarantees archival standard (longevity 80 -200 years before any deterioration in noted). This is the industry’s highest standard and the results speak for themselves. Each print has a white inch border. SHIPPING: All prints are packed with great care before being dispatched in robust cardboard tubes. SHIPPING COSTS ARE: €15.00 in Ireland, €20.00 to the UK and €25.00 to anywhere else in the world. All prints are shipped unframed. When your print arrives you should take it directly to your framer and ask for it to be framed behind glass with or without a mount according to your preference. DISPATCH AND DELIVERY: Turnaround time for prints is 5-10 working days from receipt of your order. Once your artwork has been dispatched, you will receive an email with tracking information. CUSTOM PRINTS: If you have a specific print request, please send a message via the form on the Contact page. RETURNS AND REFUNDS: As with all my original paintings, I offer a 100% refund on all prints if you are not completely satisfied. Return shipping is the responsibility of the purchaser. When your print arrives you should take it directly to your framer and ask for it to be framed behind glass with or without a mount according to your preference.
  • Threshold

    NOTE: All sizes quoted are image size, please add 4.5cm to all sides for the white border (9cm addition to width and height). Example: 52cm x 52cm (image) 61cm x 61cm (paper size)
    All prints are made with pigment inks on PermaJet Portrait RAG 285gsm. All prints are titled, signed and numbered by Cora Both paper and pigment  are  the industry’s very highest standard Outstanding archival quality guaranteed to last a lifetime or (2!). Laboratory tests certify up to 200 years before any deterioration is noted Print has a smooth, matt surface texture. Note: Frame in image is for illustrative purposes and is not included
    Limited Edition Prints EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW! Please be assured my limited edition prints are of the highest standard. I have carried out extensive research to ensure consistent quality and authentic reproduction of my work. It was worth the effort – I am now 100% confident I am working with the best photographer and printer in the country – I am thrilled with the results! Having previously been a ‘print cynic’, I am astounded at the quality of these reproductions. Because they are printed on 100% cotton rag – they look and feel like originals! I wouldn’t have believed it until I saw it. PRINT SPECIFICATIONS: All prints are made with archival pigment on PermaJet Portrait RAG 285gsm. The Paper has a smooth, matt surface texture that guarantees archival standard (longevity 80 -200 years before any deterioration in noted). This is the industry’s highest standard and the results speak for themselves. Each print has a white inch border. SHIPPING: All prints are packed with great care before being dispatched in robust cardboard tubes. SHIPPING COSTS ARE: €15.00 in Ireland, €20.00 to the UK and €25.00 to anywhere else in the world. All prints are shipped unframed. When your print arrives you should take it directly to your framer and ask for it to be framed behind glass with or without a mount according to your preference. DISPATCH AND DELIVERY: Turnaround time for prints is 5-10 working days from receipt of your order. Once your artwork has been dispatched, you will receive an email with tracking information. CUSTOM PRINTS: If you have a specific print request, please send a message via the form on the Contact page. RETURNS AND REFUNDS: As with all my original paintings, I offer a 100% refund on all prints if you are not completely satisfied. Return shipping is the responsibility of the purchaser. When your print arrives you should take it directly to your framer and ask for it to be framed behind glass with or without a mount according to your preference.
  • A Turn for Grace

    NOTE: All sizes quoted are image size, please add 4.5cm to all sides for the white border (9cm addition to width and height). Example: 52cm x 52cm (image) 61cm x 61cm (paper size)
    All prints are made with pigment inks on PermaJet Portrait RAG 285gsm. All prints are titled, signed and numbered by Cora Both paper and pigment  are  the industry’s very highest standard Outstanding archival quality guaranteed to last a lifetime or (2!). Laboratory tests certify up to 200 years before any deterioration is notedPrint has a smooth, matt surface texture. Note: Frame in image is for illustrative purposes and is not included
    Limited Edition Prints EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW! Please be assured my limited edition prints are of the highest standard. I have carried out extensive research to ensure consistent quality and authentic reproduction of my work. It was worth the effort – I am now 100% confident I am working with the best photographer and printer in the country – I am thrilled with the results! Having previously been a ‘print cynic’, I am astounded at the quality of these reproductions. Because they are printed on 100% cotton rag – they look and feel like originals! I wouldn’t have believed it until I saw it. PRINT SPECIFICATIONS: All prints are made with archival pigment on PermaJet Portrait RAG 285gsm. The Paper has a smooth, matt surface texture that guarantees archival standard (longevity 80 -200 years before any deterioration in noted). This is the industry’s highest standard and the results speak for themselves. Each print has a white inch border. SHIPPING: All prints are packed with great care before being dispatched in robust cardboard tubes. SHIPPING COSTS ARE: €15.00 in Ireland, €20.00 to the UK and €25.00 to anywhere else in the world. All prints are shipped unframed. When your print arrives you should take it directly to your framer and ask for it to be framed behind glass with or without a mount according to your preference. DISPATCH AND DELIVERY: Turnaround time for prints is 5-10 working days from receipt of your order. Once your artwork has been dispatched, you will receive an email with tracking information. CUSTOM PRINTS: If you have a specific print request, please send a message via the form on the Contact page. RETURNS AND REFUNDS: As with all my original paintings, I offer a 100% refund on all prints if you are not completely satisfied. Return shipping is the responsibility of the purchaser. When your print arrives you should take it directly to your framer and ask for it to be framed behind glass with or without a mount according to your preference.
  • Swan Song, Mayo Lakes

    NOTE: All sizes quoted are image size, please add 4.5cm to all sides for the white border (9cm addition to width and height). Example: 52cm x 52cm (image) 61cm x 61cm (paper size)
    All prints are made with pigment inks on PermaJet Portrait RAG 285gsm. All prints are titled, signed and numbered by Cora Both paper and pigment  are  the industry’s very highest standard Outstanding archival quality guaranteed to last a lifetime or (2!). Laboratory tests certify up to 200 years before any deterioration is noted Print has a smooth, matt surface texture. Note: Frame in image is for illustrative purposes and is not included
    Limited Edition Prints EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW! Please be assured my limited edition prints are of the highest standard. I have carried out extensive research to ensure consistent quality and authentic reproduction of my work. It was worth the effort – I am now 100% confident I am working with the best photographer and printer in the country – I am thrilled with the results! Having previously been a ‘print cynic’, I am astounded at the quality of these reproductions. Because they are printed on 100% cotton rag – they look and feel like originals! I wouldn’t have believed it until I saw it. PRINT SPECIFICATIONS: All prints are made with archival pigment on PermaJet Portrait RAG 285gsm. The Paper has a smooth, matt surface texture that guarantees archival standard (longevity 80 -200 years before any deterioration in noted). This is the industry’s highest standard and the results speak for themselves. SHIPPING: All prints are packed with great care before being dispatched in robust cardboard tubes. SHIPPING COSTS ARE: €15.00 in Ireland, €20.00 to the UK and €25.00 to anywhere else in the world. All prints are shipped unframed. When your print arrives you should take it directly to your framer and ask for it to be framed behind glass with or without a mount according to your preference. DISPATCH AND DELIVERY: Turnaround time for prints is 5-10 working days from receipt of your order. Once your artwork has been dispatched, you will receive an email with tracking information. CUSTOM PRINTS: If you have a specific print request, please send a message via the form on the Contact page. RETURNS AND REFUNDS: As with all my original paintings, I offer a 100% refund on all prints if you are not completely satisfied. Return shipping is the responsibility of the purchaser. When your print arrives you should take it directly to your framer and ask for it to be framed behind glass with or without a mount according to your preference.
  • From Valentia Above us only Sky!

      NOTE: All sizes quoted are image size, please add 4.5cm to all sides for the white border (9cm addition to width and height). Example: 52cm x 52cm (image) 61cm x 61cm (paper size)
    All prints are made with pigment inks on the highest quality paper All prints are titled, signed and numbered by Cora Both paper and pigment  are  the industry’s very highest standard Outstanding archival quality guaranteed to last a lifetime or (2!). Laboratory tests certify up to 200 years before any deterioration is noted Print has a smooth, matt surface texture. Note: Frame in image is for illustrative purposes and is not included Note: Frame in image is for illustrative purposes and is not included
    Limited Edition Prints EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW! Please be assured my limited edition prints are of the highest standard. I have carried out extensive research to ensure consistent quality and authentic reproduction of my work. It was worth the effort – I am now 100% confident I am working with the best photographer and printer in the country – I am thrilled with the results! Having previously been a ‘print cynic’, I am astounded at the quality of these reproductions. Because they are printed on 100% cotton rag – they look and feel like originals! I wouldn’t have believed it until I saw it. PRINT SPECIFICATIONS: All prints are made with archival pigment on PermaJet Portrait RAG 285gsm. The Paper has a smooth, matt surface texture that guarantees archival standard (longevity 80 -200 years before any deterioration in noted). This is the industry’s highest standard and the results speak for themselves. Each print has a white inch border. SHIPPING: All prints are packed with great care before being dispatched in robust cardboard tubes. SHIPPING COSTS ARE: €15.00 in Ireland, €20.00 to the UK and €25.00 to anywhere else in the world. All prints are shipped unframed. When your print arrives you should take it directly to your framer and ask for it to be framed behind glass with or without a mount according to your preference. DISPATCH AND DELIVERY: Turnaround time for prints is 5-10 working days from receipt of your order. Once your artwork has been dispatched, you will receive an email with tracking information. CUSTOM PRINTS: If you have a specific print request, please send a message via the form on the Contact page. RETURNS AND REFUNDS: As with all my original paintings, I offer a 100% refund on all prints if you are not completely satisfied. Return shipping is the responsibility of the purchaser. When your print arrives you should take it directly to your framer and ask for it to be framed behind glass with or without a mount according to your preference.
  • Abstracting the Landscape

    4 Week Online Painting Course

    Going Live on the 19th of February 2023 (and every Sunday for 4 Weeks!) 

    Please note: Places are limited and sold on a first come, first served basis. This workshop teaches participants how to abstract elements of the landscape and create their own painterly response. Through a series of fun and stimulating exercises, you will learn how to approach painting in a fresh and creative manner while tapping into and developing your own intuitive painting style. What is included:   
    • 4 x Weekly LIVE Online Painting Workshops with demos 11am - 1pm each Sunday.
    • Exclusive ‘Behind the Scenes’ weekly footage of my own process.
    • An extensive video library of recorded support classes  such as photo-transfer technique, collage, glazing and texture.
    • A private, supported Learning Hub group where participants can share work and questions.
    • Comprehensive reading and resource list of books, audio and video learning materials.
    • Downloadable Cheat-Sheets with top tips on how to start, edit and complete your own paintings
    • Slide Show on specific areas of Art, Artists & their techniques and my sphere of influence.
    • Access to recorded (and downloadable)  LIVE class replays:  Listen whenever, wherever and study at your own pace.
    • Life-time access to all learning resources
    Who is it for: Open to absolute beginners and those with a little or a lot of painting experience (in any medium!). Please note: A key aim of this workshop is to help painters to loosen their painting style. If you want to create a photo-realist likeness, dear reader - lovingly -  this is not the workshop for you. Nerd Note: In this workshop we  work in layers, so we use acrylic paints to speed-up drying time. We also use glaze layers to mimic the quality of oils. This technique has been known to convert / blow the minds of committed oil painters!! If this sounds like gobbledegook to you, don't worry yer grand! Abstracting the Landscape Online begins 19th February  2023  Please note: Places are sold on a first come, first served basis  
  • Sale!

    Blessings Bundle


      It’s a **NEW** Bundle!

    That’s ALL 3 Art Card Sets for €60! 

     Gift Box of (square) Art Cards (€25) – 10 square cards & envelopes per set Beannacht Art Card Collection (€25) - 10 cards & envelopes per set Threshold Art Card Collection (€25) 10 cards & envelopes per set All together in one pack for €60!
  • Oils for All

    My first ever Online Oil Painting Course

    4 Week Online Painting Course

    Going Live  3rd September 2023 (Every Sunday for 4 Weeks!) 


    Please note: Places are limited and sold on a first come, first served basis.
    Following on from the success of Abstracting the Landscape online and in response to requests, I am delighted to launch my first ever online Oil Painting Course. As per my weekend workshops and other online courses, there is LOADS of content and you will learn lots while having fun. All classes are recorded and accessible 24/7 and forever – you just need an internet connection. Weekly LIVE classes (Sundays 11am – 1pm) are full of demos and an opportunity to ask any questions. Also recorded so you can watch in your own time, anywhere.

    Your Oils for All Course includes:

    • 4 Weeks of easy to follow, guided tuition in all aspects of oil painting
    • A new module released weekly
    • 4 x Weekly LIVE Online Painting Workshops with demos 11am - 1pm each Sunday.
    • Exclusive ‘Behind the Scenes’ weekly footage of my own process.
    • An extensive video library of recorded support classes  such as photo-transfer technique, collage, glazing and texture.
    • A private, supported Learning Hub group where participants can share work and questions.
    • Comprehensive reading and resource list of books, audio and video learning materials.
    • Downloadable Cheat-Sheets with top tips on key aspects of medium and techniques
    • Learn how to set up safely and to use and manage your materials
    • Colour mixing, Composition and organized chaos
    • Making the transition to oils from other mediums
    • Weekly live demos and Q&As
    • Tapping into your intuition and creating your own art - unique to you
    • Skills advancement: Working in and managing layers.
    • Glazing techniques
    • Cold Wax and other textural painting techniques
    • Access to recorded (and downloadable)  LIVE class replays:  Listen whenever, wherever and study at your own pace.
    • Life-time access to all learning resources

    Who is it for:

    While this course is suitable for all levels, we will be hitting the ground running so I would suggest taking my Abstracting the Landscape course first to familiarize yourself with working with free-flowing painting techniques, creating suggested and physical textures and with my own process – both courses are a ton of fun. Please note: As per all my teaching you should expect to create art that is unique to you. Note: This is not a photo-realist class. The emphasis is on getting comfortable with the tools and the  oil mediums before making them your own.  Upon completion you can expect to be able to start, work through and complete your own accomplished oil paintings. Oils for ALL Online begins September  Please note: Places are sold on a first come, first served basis  
  • Threshold

    Oil On Canvas: 150cm sq €9,250.00 In Slip Frame Ready To Hang

    ‘Threshold’ marked the beginning  of so much newness for me.

    After years (and years!) of treading water and often struggling to keep afloat, my painting practice and by association my life,  suddenly and almost imperceptibly hit a growth spurt.

    Making my largest paintings coincided with finally finding a building that would be my home and house my studio and showroom. Built pre-1900,  ‘Threshold’ was created as part of an exhibition to honour the space and all that had gone before and was yet to be.

    Poet and philosopher John O’Donoghue wrote beautifully of change and emergence. I loved his notion to ‘ bless the space between us’ as I felt it marked that special time between the past and the future.

    “The rhythm of emergence is a gradual slow beat always inching its way forward; change remains faithful to itself until the new unfolds in the full confidence of true arrival”

    I have realised life is never linear and change is as constant as the tide. Even in trying times, we must believe in perpetual motion.

    Forward is always a direction. Our evolution is illuminated by blessings and possibility, but you must believe in possibility (often things you can’t yet see, but can just about feel!).

  • ‘Tis (All before us)'

    Oil on Canvas,

    180cm x 120cm

    ‘Tis – the west of Ireland abbreviation of ‘it is’ is a term I love to hear. The softness of it fills me with affection.

    ‘Tis was also the title of Frank McCourt’s second memoir. Following on from his best-selling ‘Angela’s Ashes’which portrayed the bleakness of Ireland in the earlier half of the last century.

    While we still enjoy significant rain fall, Ireland of today is vibrant. In spite of challenges economic and social, we are as a people – I feel, forward looking. And our landscape is abundant – it holds and inspires us all.

    ‘Tis’– this painting, is about looking forward. It was made in many, many layers and gave its own set of challenges.  When composing a painting, I am not looking for likeness but sensation – the feeling of coming home or being home. Place is important but not in a  geo map specific way. I am creating sense of place.

    Just as happiness is never  truly a thing but more a feeling. I am endeavouring to evoke that feeling when you round the Irish coastline and the views, as Seamus Heaney so beautifully set the scene in his poem Postscript  “.. catch the heart off guard and blow it open”.

  • Sea Change

    Oil on canvas 40cm x 40cm In slip frame ready to hang Sometimes we feel 'all at sea' and sometimes it's time for a sea change and then other times - most times - it seems that we are on the other side of change. I believe in, and love perpetual motion. So it's no surprise that this is one of my favourite poems and I think it goes some way to capturing the tone of this painting.


    by Juan Ramon Jimenez

     I have a feeling that my boat

    has struck, down there in the depths, against a great thing. And nothing happens! Nothing...Silence...Waves...--Nothing happens? Or has everything happened, and are we standing now, quietly, in the new life?
  • Nocturne

    NOTE: All sizes quoted are image size, please add 4.5cm to all sides for the white border (9cm addition to width and height). Example: 52cm x 52cm (image) 61cm x 61cm (paper size)
    All prints are made with pigment inks on PermaJet Portrait RAG 285gsm. All prints are titled, signed and numbered by Cora Both paper and pigment  are  the industry’s very highest standard Outstanding archival quality guaranteed to last a lifetime or (2!). Laboratory tests certify up to 200 years before any deterioration is noted Print has a smooth, matt surface texture. Note: Frame in image is for illustrative purposes and is not included
    Limited Edition Prints EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW! Please be assured my limited edition prints are of the highest standard. I have carried out extensive research to ensure consistent quality and authentic reproduction of my work. It was worth the effort – I am now 100% confident I am working with the best photographer and printer in the country – I am thrilled with the results! Having previously been a ‘print cynic’, I am astounded at the quality of these reproductions. Because they are printed on 100% cotton rag – they look and feel like originals! I wouldn’t have believed it until I saw it. PRINT SPECIFICATIONS: All prints are made with archival pigment on PermaJet Portrait RAG 285gsm. The Paper has a smooth, matt surface texture that guarantees archival standard (longevity 80 -200 years before any deterioration in noted). This is the industry’s highest standard and the results speak for themselves. SHIPPING: All prints are packed with great care before being dispatched in robust cardboard tubes. SHIPPING COSTS ARE: €15.00 in Ireland, €20.00 to the UK and €25.00 to anywhere else in the world. All prints are shipped unframed. When your print arrives you should take it directly to your framer and ask for it to be framed behind glass with or without a mount according to your preference. DISPATCH AND DELIVERY: Turnaround time for prints is 5-10 working days from receipt of your order. Once your artwork has been dispatched, you will receive an email with tracking information. CUSTOM PRINTS: If you have a specific print request, please send a message via the form on the Contact page. RETURNS AND REFUNDS: As with all my original paintings, I offer a 100% refund on all prints if you are not completely satisfied. Return shipping is the responsibility of the purchaser. When your print arrives you should take it directly to your framer and ask for it to be framed behind glass with or without a mount according to your preference.
  • Tidal Sensations

    Oil on canvas 60cm x 60cm In slip frame ready to hang
  • Digital Gift Card

    This is a digital gift card where you will receive a voucher by email with a code to use for purchases online.
  • Sale!

    2024 Calendar


    **VERY Limited Stock**

    I am delighted to introduce my first EVER Calendar. The 2024 Calendar brings together some of my best loved oil paintings including work from the Kerry Gaeltacht, the Mayo Lakes and the Wild Atlantic Way. The Calendar is designed as an accompaniment to your best year yet. It lists important days, significant lunar events (including Mercury in the Microwave!) and ALL the Bank Holidays. It also prompts you to enjoy every season – whether taking a sea swim, a stroll through crunchy leaves or your first mulled wine of the season. Size: A3 (297 x 420 mm) Shipping Worldwide.  This calendar has been designed with love and intention.  We hope it bears witness to your best year yet. And when the year is over you can cut out and keep the artworks forever.
  • Sale!

    **VERY Limited Stock**

    Cards are not just for Christmas! 

    The Complete Card Collection & Calendar Gift brings together ALL of my Card Collections, so that's: The Beannacht Box of Blessings The Threshold Box  The Square Set  & The Seascapes! PLUS the 2024 Calendar!  There are 10 Art Cards + Envelope in each set, so that's 40 in total PLUS the 2024 Calendar. Each card has an artwork on the front and the story of the painting on reverse. All cards are blank for your personal greet. They look AMAZING framed! Shipping Worldwide. 
  • Sale!

    Cora’s Almanac!


    2024 Calendar & Square Art Card Gift Set

    PLUS your choice of Beannacht or Threshold Box of Blessings!

  • Learning Art Experience

    Give the gift of art this Christmas to yourself or someone who has always wanted to learn to Paint! My much in demand and super successful Abstracting the Landscape Painting Workshop is now available for the first time as an online e-course. Taught in 4 modules (which you can study at your own pace, any time from any where!), this Click & Play E-course brings together the very best lessons from many years of painting and teaching experience. Abstracting the Landscape is suitable for absolute beginners but also those with a little or a lot of experience. It teaches participants how to abstract elements of the landscape and create their own painterly response. Through a series of fun and stimulating exercises, you will learn how to use a variety of tools and mediums and to approach painting in a fresh and creative manner while tapping into and developing your own intuitive painting style.
    What is included:   
    • Exclusive ‘Behind the Scenes’ footage of my own process.
    • An extensive video library of recorded support classes  such as photo-transfer technique, collage, glazing and texture.
    • Comprehensive reading and resource list of books, audio and video learning materials.
    • Downloadable Cheat-Sheets with top tips on how to start, edit and complete your own paintings
    • Slide Show on specific areas of Art, Artists & their techniques and my sphere of influence.
    • Life-time access to all learning resources
    Who is it for: Open to absolute beginners and those with a little or a lot of painting experience (in any medium!).
        Self Learning Abstracting The Landscape
  • Sale!

     Our best value gift EVER.

    Your choice of 13 Limited Edition Prints PLUS our gawgess  2024 Calendar PLUS Art Card Gift Set €240.00 (Saving €30!) Now available for Pre-Order for collection (or postage) before Santa.  
  • Sale!

    Art €275: The No Brainer!


    It’s a No Brainer! Our best value gift EVER.

    Framed Limited Edition Print (Your choice of 13!) PLUS  A 2024 Calendar PLUS   An Art Cards Gift Set Now available for Pre-Order for collection (or postage) before Santa.  
  • The Upside

    NOTE: All sizes quoted are image size, please add 4.5cm to all sides for the white border (9cm addition to width and height). Example: 52cm x 52cm (image) 61cm x 61cm (paper size)
    All prints are made with pigment inks on PermaJet Portrait RAG 285gsm. All prints are titled, signed and numbered by Cora Numbered limited edition of 250 Both paper and pigment  are  the industry’s very highest standard Outstanding archival quality guaranteed to last a lifetime or (2!). Laboratory tests certify up to 200 years before any deterioration is noted Print has a smooth, matt surface texture. Note: Frame in image is for illustrative purposes and is not included
    Limited Edition Prints EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW! Please be assured my limited edition prints are of the highest standard. I have carried out extensive research to ensure consistent quality and authentic reproduction of my work. It was worth the effort – I am now 100% confident I am working with the best photographer and printer in the country – I am thrilled with the results! Having previously been a ‘print cynic’, I am astounded at the quality of these reproductions. Because they are printed on 100% cotton rag – they look and feel like originals! I wouldn’t have believed it until I saw it. PRINT SPECIFICATIONS: All prints are made with archival pigment on PermaJet Portrait RAG 285gsm. The Paper has a smooth, matt surface texture that guarantees archival standard (longevity 80 -200 years before any deterioration in noted). This is the industry’s highest standard and the results speak for themselves. Each print has a white inch border. AUTHENTICATION & EDITION: All prints are titled, signed and numbered by Cora (in the white inch border). Unless otherwise stated, all prints are in editions of 250. SHIPPING: All prints are packed with great care before being dispatched in robust cardboard tubes. SHIPPING COSTS ARE: €15.00 in Ireland, €20.00 to the UK and €25.00 to anywhere else in the world. All prints are shipped unframed. When your print arrives you should take it directly to your framer and ask for it to be framed behind glass with or without a mount according to your preference. DISPATCH AND DELIVERY: Turnaround time for prints is 5-10 working days from receipt of your order. Once your artwork has been dispatched, you will receive an email with info about print handling and framing guidance. CUSTOM PRINTS: If you have a specific print request, please send a message via the form on the Contact page.  


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