Swansong, Mayo Lakes


Oil On Canvas - 160cm x 160cm

The last available painting of the 10 I made for my Threshold Exhibition, 'Swansong'  is a special, heartfelt painting to me. 

My Dad Mick has fished the Mayo Lakes for over 50 years - some years more prolifically than others, but it is always a place of joy for him. By proxy, genes or otherwise, his joy has become mind and I love to join him on these expeditions which then seep into my own work. 

Before Covid we celebrated his 50th year fishing in Partry - his beloved home from home. It was glorious to finally return to Lough Mask post-pandemic. It was an illumination to see the vitality of place, people and nature infuse him. It energized him entirely. He was ginger-ish boarding the boat the first day but jumping ashore by the end of the week, exuberant!

Our fishing days might be behind us now, but this painting encapsulates a lovely lifetime in nature with great people. Doing what you love truly is a life-force and nature is magic!